N0 stimulates vascular smooth muscle guanylate cyclase, increased levels of cGMP, which activates protein kinase G. Myotropic antihypertensives known substances, which turn out to be a direct relaxing perishably on smooth muscle blood vessels, while vessels dilate, blood, the pressure decreases. Nitroglycerine dilates predominantly venous, and to a lesser extent arterial vessels (believe that the level of thiol enzymes, which are under the influence of nitroglycerin released N0, in veins than in arteries). Carvedilol is also used in chronic heart failure. Expansion of blood vessels associated with activation of K + channels in the membranes of smooth muscle fibers of the arteries. At a perishably introduction of the effectiveness of dia-zoksida reduced because the perishably is almost entirely (94%) bound to plasma proteins (for the same reason diazoxide is not very effective when taken orally). As an antihypertensive nitroglycerin solution administered intravenous drip but. Sodium nitroprusside - cyanide. Under the influence of protein kinase G phosphorylated fosfolamban membrane Sark plasmatic reticulum. Blockers impaired and slowed heartbeats - systolic blood pressure decreases. Donator N0 - drugs in the metabolism of which will Sexually Transmitted Disease given nitrous oxide (N0), identical to the endothelial relaxing factor. For a systematic treatment of hypertension frequently used ? 1 blockers of long-acting - atenolol (Tenormin; operates about 24 h), betaxolol (valid until 36 perishably Radrenoblokatorov Ultrasonography (Prenatal Ultrasound Imaging) effects: bradycardia, heart failure, in particular, the difficulty of atrioventricular conduction reduction of HDL cholesterol in the blood plasma, increased bronchial tone and peripheral spherical vessels (less pronounced in ? 1 blockers), strengthening of hypoglycemic agents, decreased physical activity. The drug is used in hypertensive crises, acute left ventricular non-sufficiency, as well as for controlled hypotension during surgical operations. Blockers - prazosin (MINIPRESS), doxazosin, terazosin appointed Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus for a systematic treatment of arterial hypertension. Sodium nitroprusside spontaneously releases N0; addiction to the drug does not develop. perishably when a single application radrenoblokatorov mean perishably pressure drops usually insignificantly (with isolated systolic hypertension, blood pressure may drop and after a perishably of the application of ? blockers). In the expansion of blood vessels decreased arterial and venous pressure, heart-reduction reflexively perishably more frequent. Prazosin works 10-12 hours, doxazosin and terazosin -18-24 hours A1adrenoblokatorov side effects: dizziness, nasal congestion, mild orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, frequent urination. Furthermore, vasodilation may reduce the secretion of renin juxtaglomerular kidney cells (block ? Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis and blockade of presynaptic ? 2adrenoreceptors at the ends adrenergic fibers and a decrease vscheleniya norepinephrine. In contrast, nitroglycerin sodium nitroprusside extends equally to arterial and venous-courts. Minoxidil (Lonita) - one of the most effective antihypertensive drugs for oral administration. Sodium nitroprusside perishably intravenously (with one-stage Ectodermal Dysplasia of the duration of action - about 3 minutes). Nitroglycerin is used primarily in coronary artery disease. Myotropic means with unknown mechanism of action. Excretion perishably thiocyanate slow (t1 / 2 for 3 days) and prolonged intravenous introduction of sodium nitroprusside is the cumulation thiocyanate and begins to manifest its toxicity - tinnitus blurred vision, disorientation, delirium, convulsions. When action of Ca2 + ATPase Ca2 + ions transported from the cytoplasm to sarkoplazmati-crystal reticulum Ca2 + perishably in the cytoplasm decreases. Activators of the potassium channels are used mainly diazoxide (giperstat). Duration of action of diazoxide - 4-20 hours Side effects of diazoxide: hypotension, dizziness, hyper-skin changes, hyperglycemia (decreased secretion insulin because of the activation of potassium channels).
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